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26 cm Multi ammonite bed with Caenisites and others, from Charmouth beach

26 cm Multi ammonite bed with Caenisites and others, from Charmouth beach

A stunning uncommon whole nodule with a large Caenisites at the centre, measuring 7 cm, the nodule measures 26 cm across it's widest part. Filled with Caenisites, Microderoceras, Promicroceras and Cymbites ammonites. Found on Charmouth beach, the Jurassic coast, UK

A unbroken nodule with no repairs or restoration, there is a prep exploration hole on the reverse.

The piece originates from the popcorn stone.


Lower Sinemurian, Black Ven Mudstone Member, Charmouth Mudstone Formation, Charmouth, Dorset. 195 MYA



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